Chess is an easy game to learn but difficult to master, the best chess players know openings, tactics and strategies that are difficult to learn without proper study.

Chess has the advantage of being an inclusive sport, playable by everyone at various levels. Playing chess helps to develop one’s spatial intelligence, reasoning and deduction skills as well as the ability to find solutions. A game that is good for everyone and can be played by everyone should also be learnable by everyone at the same level.

The idea of CHED is precisely this, to provide everyone with the opportunity to become chess masters, even to those who may have difficulty in following complex lessons for disabilities such as auditory ones.

The CHED platform will contain an entire course of chess entirely in sign language, easily used by deaf people.

The course is divided into four modules with an increasing level of depth:

  • An introductory module with the main rules and basic information to start playing
  • A basic module with the first strategies to learn, to understand the advantages of the various pieces and the first steps to play at its best
  • An intermediate module in which you learn tactics and strategies that allow a more advanced level of play
  • The advanced module with explanations of complex strategies, openings and game endings.

The work on the production of the videos is proceeding quickly, and you can already see some backstage  videos on  the facebook page of the project.

The project partners work with a view to international cooperation and have already met several times for fruitful meetings in Romania, Armenia and at the CEIPES office in Palermo. They will meet again in the coming months to define the latest work.

Stay up to date on our pages and prepare your chessboards!

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